The man you dont know part2

Yeah folks, its the same hound as my old post. He has managed a place in my story, in my life as always. Now he looks more grown up, has beard, moustache and a composure. The abs still remain as irresistable as always. The cheeks as kissable as always. But yes, he has grown. Grown as a person in all aspects. Now knows how to vent his turmoils. But still silly conveys me his feelings through display pictures and statuses. I catch every word. Word by word.

Manages to stay the Bunny. And make me the Naina in all ways possible. The two being an amazing pair of characters from a bollywood romcom. The last few days have been quite revolutionary. Possession and jealousy hit him. Fortunately or unfortunately I don't know but he has feelings too. He set them free and well, I caught them.

My best friend says he is not bound to stay. He has come to stay. I don't know. People never took him seriously. He was different in my perspective but. The ice-creams, posters, posts, chocolates, bunking, duties, seats were worth it. All the for infinities to eternities were worth. Bearing those rains, tolerating all those nerds. Everything, everything was worth. Because forever is not a lie; It's a truth so strong it persistently keeps your mind occupied, words fall short.


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