
Give those dreams to me. I'll see them with you. Hey people. what are your dreams? tell them to me. I want to live dreams. From my eyes. Your eyes. Everybody's eyes. Everyday! These are a big turn on for me. I dream big. Am too small maybe but my eyes seek for more and more and more always. And my heart quests for it.

Have you ever heard of my night dreams? I see film scripts like really. They are so adventurous, heart thumping, happening, falling, rising and most importantly so realistic and fucking vivid that at times I doubt that was a real life incidence or just another dream. I narrate them to my classmates like life stories and am amused seeing them giggle. Its fun you know. Living my life has its perks. You'd find inspiration, creativity in every thing you'd see. A story every vase narrates. A smile every face hides. A need every rupee holds within itself. A sense every dress has.

Dreams are free ended. They may take you to the negative side endlessly as well as the positive. And well, luckily if you can sync them both in your stride you are good to go. Travel the world and eat the street food of Paris and Milan and Prague and tell me how it tasted. Bath the Thames waters and tell me how the drops slipped on your skin. How the Niagaras blew your ears off. How your heart responded to the echoes of your voice on the peaks. How the sand and castles went hand in hand at Miami. How the eternal kings and queens of Edinburgh took you thousand years back. How the madame tussauds inspired you to get such fame. Tell me all. Or the best take along.

Dreams that we will for a day escape in our nights to fulfill the ones we daydream about. House music on loud and your arms around my torso. It'll be nothing sexual. Just warming. Just a out of the blue club night on a snowy winter night. Dancing till the hearts content. Nobody will know us. Nobody will restrict. You can get high on me. Me on you. The trust and reliability is just way too higher than these drugs. The DJ might stop tonight. We aren't. Show me this city and her ventures tonight from the roof of the car. Waving goodbyes to the ugly and teaching past. Let it pass.

My dreams dont restrict themselves to materialistic stuff. They aid them. But are not merely stuffed. I want bag packs and trips be it with empty bags. I want beautiful and exotic be it with street shopping/food or rawness. I want genuine guys be it them being ugly. Haha. This one was a bit exaggerated. But seriously I want it the way it is. No made up. No put up. Just plain simple organic. Classic!

And you know what? Your dreams might irritate you, annoy you but they keep you alive. They are a proof you have to yourself that you are alive and are just not surviving. You are on a constant mental journey. A game whose levels are so interesting you wouldn't mind dying each day. These dreams let you and help you vent out your fears and unexposed anticipations. Your mind heals during these sleeps. It dreams.


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