Fall in. Fall out. Did you fall really?
Falling word is in general used for love , as in falling in love, for a reason. Falling frees you from a lot of ties and brings the lost spark, just like an adventure sport. But dude you are falling! You are off the cliff. Just like Ted in the How I Met Your Mother series I too have fallen in and out very regularly. Infact as soon as out I'm in. You might judge me on that but that is something my sub-conscious makes me do. Believe that this time around it might work. Some have even been a day long ones. That's the shortest. I am and always will be guilty of being involved. And just like him I too was on an unintended search to find that true thing. But this is what the fucking rule says, you wouldn't get it as long as you have all of your on it.

I see people around having friends with benefits from 8th grade. People just begging people to stay besides them. Its clear the world is deprived of love. I'm not that desperate in such things comparatively speaking. I'm dignified enough to walk off at the almost right positions. But I've tried too much and too hard and with so many without any expectations that I'm done now. I'm done being the sheep in my den. Be it friendships or relationships the amount of efforts put in are way, way too high than what I get back. I'm saying this when I left expecting long back.
Cute guys, mature guys, blue-eyed I've had them all. None of them had me. I ask this myself at times, am I a slut? The answer is yet complex. But I do know I'm not a bad soul. The bitch hasn't completely taken over. The heart on that left side still every time loves very innocently. As if all past experiences were a dream. Its very rightly said that the same disasters keep happening to you until you take the lesson. I'm yet to. Maybe today, tomorrow. But now I'm very firm on this. I'm exhausted. My priorities have started to take shape. As many guys and bitches have made me break and as many times I've always gotten up to live a better day. But I'm so very done now!
I can't look out anymore, or search. Not that I wouldn't be involved. I don't loose beliefs on things. They just need to shape up that way. The kiss should happen on the forehead and not a cheek or lip. You get it?
That is very good :')