I too was a child. A child I'll always carry inside. #Vote4Children

So if you can come over and read this post, you've had a childhood. Be it good or bad, but a childhood. You are alive this day to see the spectacles and things of whatever kind this world offers to you. But think about it, what if you just had died catching a dengue epidemic and never ever had seen or done the things you have until today. Sounds impractical? But dear today our nation is at a stage where one child dies every 20 seconds due to preventable diseases – highest anywhere in the world. You guys have declined food from your mother a numerable times. Not eaten in an attempt to cause impact over something you are questing for. What if all of a sudden you stop getting the very possibility of doing so: You don't get food. Life will itself be a quest for you then. But you won't realize that now. Just like a fish won't understand a camel.

People like you and me have friends, mentors and relationships of all kinds. We can call up a friend a night before an important exam and have a gratifying talk. Get yourself in the school football team or the choir or the school band. Talk over various issues troubling the human race and win medals for being impactful. But what if you had no school in the first place? No institution that led you where you are today? No tuitions. No teachers. No guides. No classes. No bunks. No friends. No grades. Life would've been well, for you in your immediate thought: amazing but think about it in a larger and vast perspective. It would be merely mundane. Education opens your thickly blocked minds and opens you to the world. It tells you what exists so you can indulge into whatever you want to. It tells you who you are, what your name is and how you can write and read it right. Deprivation of which may just make you a surviving 'creature'. And so you may also like to take note of the fact that over 126 lakh children in India are engaged in child labour, while over 140 lakh children remain out of school. That never bothered you before, did it?

Okay so now visualize this, your parents just weren't there for some reason anymore. And that warm covering of the family was just taken back. And you are left abandoned? How does that sound? Terrifying, isn't it? The forthcoming challenges and complexities that follow up I don't need to tell you because I am pretty sure you might have used all your creativity in that thought when once mom and dad got late from somewhere and the phone was just not reachable.

All that I mean is that be it health, education or security we guys have it all. We are blessed, the lucky ones. So why not spare some hours and devote them to noble causes? What you need to do is something that is always open ended. There is so much to do. You need to take a dive in just. Like my uncle (Mom's sister's husband) did once. He had this favorite tee of his in his college days who alot of his friends had insisted on borrowing, he never gave it to anybody. One cold night as he was walking by a street, this young poor man was shivering and when with plight he opened his arms to anything my uncle could offer him, he received that tee into his arms. Till date he feels so obliged to have done that. Another close friend of mine as she narrated in one of her posts she saved the daughter of the maid that worked in her house from being married at 14 or 15 by teaching and guiding her. And the way she narrated the day when suddenly the bell at the door rings and that girl enters and runs and hugs my friend for providing her life to her in the best served manner. She was educated. She was saved. She was given a re-birth. It cannot be compensated by anything. In the very same manner had even I received bundles of joy when I taught my guard's son how to play Harmonium when he hardly would open his mouth to words. He sang and played and the joy that was brought to him was so well transferred. In whatever phase may I be, thinking of these deeds I feel human. Because I have done something for someone that cannot be repaid.

This post is a part of the #Vote4Children Blog-a-thon on Youth Ki Awaaz. Find out more at: http://www.youthkiawaaz.com/vote4children :)


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