
Well attraction has no laws and norms but here is something I've been feeling about from quite sometime now. We like two kinds of people. One who are endowed with simplicity and rawness. They don't have any aspirations to stand out or be the pioneers. All they want is to lead an untangled non-fussy life which they keep solving and leading. But they don't lead. They just don't want to. They might appear to be passive and not ambitious and arousing enough in the first glance but these are people for keeps. You will feel comfortable around them naturally because they never show their talents. And so their strengths might surprise you at many times. You won't have to feel the need to compare here, you are clearly above them.

Then there is the other kind you look up to. They are wild and full of life. A room with a tiger may go unnoticed but they just cannot be ignored. There is something that tells you to go up to them and converse but you know you wouldn't be able to match up. These people will always generally be found inhibiting the best of social skills. They might be alone at times. But the loneliness doesn't stick for long. These people might not make you feel comfortable because here you compare and well you aren't the best at all.

This was not somewhere I was differentiating between an introvert and an extrovert. Because in the world of today clearly nobody is a complete extrovert or a complete introvert. These are two generalized categories of people. People who have chosen what values to them more. Nobody is a full Meera or a Veronica from the film Cocktail. But what I want to say is why do we keep striving to become the other always? why?

You know that extrovert girl who is always on the stage and around people is the loneliest. People like her reputation. They are yet to see her beyond that. Others are envied enough to leave her. They think she is too much to handle. So while the neutralized Meera doesn't interest you at first, she is here for a longer stay. The neutralized Veronica would've too had you given her that place. Or not let you in so quick.

So please, stay how you are. You are so lovely when I see you the way you are just. It contradicts my heart of the notion it has of people always playing the impressing game. The way you come in your uncombed soft curls. With only the night before's kajal embracing your eyes. Or the boxers that you don't mind exposing on skype. Or a random long text you send just to let me know. Even if it gets a stunned one liner back. For once somebody, someday comes in without any purpose out of cliche. I await that day.


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