Wish you never read this

Dear love,

Nobody can love you more than me, get that. Cannot outdo. You'll continue to make me weave the possible outcomes to our story and every next turn is still unpredictable. I'll sketch your face everytime in my mind that song will play when that was happening. And those 'thats' being the various incidents I attached songs to. Running in corridors with craft, was I crafting a hopeless love? Culture exchange programme we lived. Your body pains were never felt by you alone, they struck somewhere harder, somewhere where a red room ardently held on its tenant refusing to let its real corners be confronted by another. They say childhood crushes are meaningless oh, look at you.. You still hold all the meaning I have to love and belongingness. Oh dear you'll travel the world, swim all the oceans, taste all cuisines and wines, read all inspiring lives and texts but my post stamps will be deep imprinted on your body so you'll always be delivered to me, you're bizzare dishes in wine will only always appeal me and you're words will always resonate with my voice. But let's get this straight I will never marry you. Maybe that's what sustains your charm. You'll never completely give yourself, adorable! I'll never accompany you to places. You say you love you're a lier. You want the table in its place even when it's not even dusted or noticed maybe just scribbled. Oh don't blame the ego, you were a gusty wave stopped by a swan. Go to farthest vertices and find any even near me and I mute my emotions and deny your existence. You little party popper I know all your tiny balls and glitters. From a lover who has but never will await you. Doesn't want. But oh my forever love I'll always be your evergreen carpenter when your legs shake or your nuts loosen up. I'll fix you in my most brittle states.



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