like flesh but love only deeper souls.
You probably don't like moustaches in general but you like it on your dad. You probably don't like hairy guys but every chord his limbic hair produce with yours is magical. You probably hate kids, but your baby girl's first cry, and pee in your arms might be heavenly. You also might be allergic to dogs but cried to bits when your first pet died. Do you feel what I'm trying to point out to you? It's not that we generally like somethings and hence fall in love with them. It's the other way 'round. We are in love with something is why we tend to like it's minutest details. Is why you'll never really notice your mother's wrinkles when kissing her forehead. Is why you'll never have to think twice before cleaning your child's dirty mess. The fondness we develop for features of anything is out of the love that already exists. So find deeper into your bonds with your surroundings. Love it and the energy will bounce back. Stay basic and dig up beyond the surface of anything. Spirituality, Physics, Maths Philosophy, Psychology, English, Cosmos, Quantum and all linguistics and sciences were created, viewed in depth and are still being researched for one basic reason: To find an end. End to all the details of this being. To find it as a beginning or a disguised end. What do you believe in, endings or beginnings?
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