The intruder.

She was left stranded in a desert she knew nothing of. The intruder of her soul had left. Leaving behind a weeping pretty face turning pale with the moon shining above her head. She ran miles and miles and fell helpless exhausted. There were stretches of rising cold sand engulfing her belief of being saved. She kept running in the hope of finding a heart that would if not save her, give her a word of consonance. She longed human interactions more than the food and the water. Hallucinations formed were of the face of the intruder who she last saw herself in the arms of. Waking from her unconsciousness it took her a while to understand it was a betrayal. Her body still lingered the smell of his scent. It was hard to believe she was betrayed. Her heart howled in fast pace telling her he had gone to bring back help. And that they were in this pain together in different places though. Her soft brown locks had seeped in the sand making it stick to her scalp with sweat. She would gather some courage and get up to run but by now all the steps refused to get her going. She fell and just kept falling in repeated attempts. Reminding herself in every trial that he was long gone. He was not to come. And most importantly she had to survive. The desert had deserted her too. The snakes and spiders crawled besides her not even granting her a relief of death. And as she lay staring the countless stars wanting to be one of them, whom people of the earth admired, she secretly prayed for it to end. Thinking of her wonderful family and friends she thought of a last trial to get up. Only to fall back. But this one girl was on fire. Today she had to prove herself. She finally stood up. Dragged herself and was walking now. Fell a hundred more times but never stopped. Because now more than the hallucinations of his face, the worried and concerned eyes of her dear ones haunted her. And more than anything, it was now about her. About her strength and about her revenge to the betrayal. And it was only going to be payed off well if she successfully made out of there. She walked the night off. Walking west she could now feel some warmth rubbing her pale back. The sun had showed up. Warming her soul and healing all those wounds inside as well as outside. Enriching her with some new found powers. Her sleep deprived eyes could see a highway in a distance. She walked faster now. Hours later she was standing at the road waiting for one noble soul to stop and take her anywhere just away from this cruel and painful desert. She was taken to the hospital and treated for months. Her physical pain was fading but the emotional holes in her personality needed very warm and loving arms. Ones that would take her away from her intruder. The intruder that still slept besides her every night.  


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