What do you want?

Do you want to be sensible? Do you want to be called mature? All intellectual and intelligent and smart and good-looking and funny and beautiful and handsome and well read and humorous? I am guessing it to be a yes. But honestly when it comes to me, I dont. I dont want to be something. I rather want something to be me. Let me elaborate. I want to be lazing around my ass all over the house and talk in basic plain words, I want to talk bullshit and scream and laugh like a witch, make the most transparent and open conversations, to let everything come out naturally and be loved for that. You know, to have the real people around me. May they be not more than 2-3. But I give them my full hearted attention. We share our potentials and unite them for brilliance. I dont want anything specifically, everything written above is a hazy imagery of the thought process of my mind.

I just saw Highway- A film. Its was a pure work of art. The characters were real and natural and didn't have any aims in life for a very non-conventional fact that fascinated me. I mean, its beyond my logics that how can somebody be happy without any goals in life? But it do is possible. The characters didn't need words. I think the entire movie didn't need words. Gestures and body reactions gave out even the minutest of details.

But what I concluded out of it was, you don't need to be successful or pent up with lots of goals to be happy. You just need to be yourself. In your most raw and natural form. Let yourself be loved for your imperfections. Because perfect, or anything close to perfect, is very artificial. Its inhuman. All suits up and gowns and heels and thick novels and mascaras and accents are made for impression. Impress who damn it? The guy who you secretly crush? Or your boss to whom you're dancing heads down for a promotion? Or that girl you secretly wished was your best bestfriend? Or your family so as for a projection of an ideal person? They all will anyway know your real self when the bad phases would peel off your impression mask. So why pretend? Show them your beautiful wild soul. It is for keeps.

I'l be continuing this post with edits laterr. Im exhausted. Need some more minutes of inspiration that life throws on me. I'll get back. Love you all so very much. The love I've got over this blog is impossible to be reverted or gotten elsewhere. Yayaya :')


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