Tough days. Downs. Mood swings. Bad hair days. Fights. Bitches. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Break-ups. Failures. I don't know how to title it. But its all the negative things you experience everyday in every thought. Some overshadow it and just simply refuse to accept it pulling them down. To me that's how I see my mother and other elders. But for me it is something hell difficult. You just cannot magically come out of a deep well you fell in mistakenly. Nor can you rise taller than the high and scary waves. Its not a sci fi. But what some moving movies and songs and experiences are pushing me to believe ardently is that this is very necessary. The waves are pulled by the moon's gravitational pull and they rise. The well is deep and can drown you along your ego because of gravity. And so tough times push you. Push you to a level wherein you either emerge stronger or break all in once. The world has no space for cowards. You need this bad day to get that brighter smile ne...